Learning and Development
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework sets the standards that all early years’ providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop and are kept happy and safe. At Patcham Village Pre-school we provide an environment which empowers and motivates children to become autonomous learners as they engage in free-play; exploring a range of activities which encourages curiosity and thinking.
Our highly trained practitioners plan fortnightly to provide a varied programme of challenging and exciting experiences and activities to develop all areas of learning, deepening and extending children’s interests and understanding; while remaining open, adaptable and flexible enough at all times to give way to those crucial ‘in the moment opportunities’ which are unplanned, spontaneous and child-led.
In our setting we implement the Early Years Coalition. (2021). Birth to 5 Matters: Non-statutory guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Our Community
Learning opportunities and experiences at Patcham Village Pre-school extend well beyond our gate as we visit places of interest within our community and invite visitors to the pre-school; these experiences help children to gain a sense of belonging within the community as well as supporting the ability to make sense of their world.

Supporting Children with English as an Additional Language
Many children at Patcham Village Pre-school are learning English in addition to their home language. Our provision is based on children learning through first-hand experiences and play-based learning and is enhanced by the use of visual resources and experienced practitioners who are skilled in working with children who are developing bilingual skills.
In addition we work closely with the Ethnic Minority Achievement Service (EMAS) to support children and families with English as an additional Language; providing interpreters which enable us to assess children's communication in their home language and plan appropriately for them.

Role-play is a great way to introduce children to a variety of adult occupations. Classic tales such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and real-life situations such as going to a shop, ordering in a café or a trip to the beach.
Construction Play offers children multiple benefits - especially during their early years. Construction Play is proven to make a difference to the way children think and complete tasks.
It's a form of play Patcham Village Pre-school adopts to aid child growth and development.

Our Outdoor Provision
The outdoor provision can be a place where many children can fully immerse themselves in all types of learning; developing their gross motor skills as they practice their skills on wheeled vehicles in our safe outdoor space, or learning about living creatures and the importance of caring for them.
Our garden also provides children with a safe space to share a story in cosy den areas, and experience activities on a larger scale.
Theory and experience has shown us that some children will prefer to participate in activities outdoors as there are fewer distractions and background noise.
Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness, including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy.
It helps the body and the mind work together.
Exposing children to music during early development helps them learn the sounds and meanings of words.

Cosy Corners
We have created some lovely quiet cosy corners within our environment - safe spaces; those that provide for our children a little place of sanctuary where they can go and manage their big emotions.