Support Beyond Our School Gate

Most families need a helping hand in life at one time or another.
Whilst your children are growing up there are a range of services and professionals beyond our pre-school gate that have a wealth of knowledge and whose role it is to provide support when you need it.
We've put together a collection of groups and processes that are available to help you, whatever your situation. Click any icons below to find out more about each service:
Brighton and Hove Inclusion Support Service (BHISS)
Brighton & Hove Inclusion Service (BHISS) works with nurseries, playgroups and childminders registered with Ofsted, as well as schools and colleges to support children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), and their families.
National Autistic Society
The National Autistic Society are the UK's leading charity for people on the autism spectrum and their families. Since 1962, they have been providing support, guidance and advice, as well as campaigning for improved rights, services and opportunities to help create a society that works for autistic people.
Amaze is a charity that gives information, advice and support to families of children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Brighton & Hove and Sussex.
The Ethnic Minority Achievement Service (EMAS)
EMAS offers a flexible and tailored service which is able to respond to the diverse and changing demands of the English as an Additional Language population in private, voluntary and independent Pre-schools and nurseries and also in primary and secondary schools across the city. EMAS offer a flexible provision, incorporating bilingual assistant and/or teaching support, as well as advisory input and training. Support can be arranged according to individual school's needs.
Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)
Some children find talking and listening harder than others. They might find it hard to understand what words and sentences mean. Some struggle to find the right words or sounds to use and put them in order. These children may need help from a speech and language therapist to develop good communication skills. Speech and language therapists are trained to help children to develop their communication skills. Speech and language therapists offer assessment, advice and support in close partnership with families and other professionals. Some speech and language therapists also help children with eating and drinking difficulties. In Brighton & Hove the speech and language therapy service for children and young people is part of the Integrated Child Development and Disability Service
Occupational Therapy (OT)
The health occupational therapy service works with children and young people to help develop or increase the skills they need to use in their everyday lives if they have physical, developmental or sensory processing difficulties which significantly impact on their motor skills or their ability to function in daily life.
Sensory Needs Service (SNS)
The Sensory Needs Service (SNS) is part of the council's provision for both hearing impaired and visually impaired children. The service is staffed by a team of teachers who all hold additional specialist qualifications in hearing impairment and/or visual impairment.
Child Development Centre (CDC)
The Child Development Centre (CDC) at Seaside View, Brighton General Hospital consists of a team of different health staff dedicated to the assessment and treatment of children with developmental and additional needs
Children’s Audiology Service
The Children’s Audiology Service, provided by the Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust, specialises in assessment and management of children's hearing from 0 to 16 years old.
Family Information Service (FIS)
(FIS) Offer information and advice about childcare and local support for families.
Front Door for Families
Find childcare and early education, get help and advice or tell us you're worried about a child.
PACE (Providing Access to Childcare and Employment)
PACE helps parents of two year olds with funded childcare places to get back into work, training and volunteering.
Triple P – Positive Parenting Programme
Triple P is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programmes in the world, backed up by 30 years of on-going research. It is suitable for parents of children 18 months to 18 years.
Children’s Centres
provide services and support for parents and carers with children under five. They are a place to meet professionals and other parents, to get advice and information.
Mind in Brighton and Hove works to promote good mental health in our city and across Sussex. It seeks to empower people to lead a full life as part of their local community.
Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP) - The Process
An education, health and care plan (EHCP) is for children and young people aged up to 25 who need more support than is available through special educational needs support. EHC plans identify educational, health and social needs and set out the additional support to meet those needs.
Mascot - Managing ASC ourselves together.
mASCot is a C.I.C (a non-profit making Community Interest Company) and each member of our Board of Directors is a parent of an Autistic child or young adult. mASCot receives some funding that is put towards office admin and managing projects, however all our Directors also give their time on a voluntary basis to help run mASCot. We all feel passionately about supporting fellow ASC families and providing activities and projects for our children.