Our Routines

Our Day

At Patcham Village pre-school we provide a carefully balanced mix of free-play and adult-directed/supported activities and tasks.  Children’s days begin with a brief ‘Good Morning' time, after which everyone enjoys free-flow play inside, outside and snack. The children come together again at 11.50am for story time at the end of the morning, which is split according to children’s abilities and needs.  Group times are enjoyed mid-morning, when the activities offered are child-centred around children’s interests.  Lunchtime in the middle of the day offers children and staff a wonderful social time when independence is encouraged and fostered; after which children once again enjoy free-play and free-flow snack mid-afternoon, finally ending the day with a story and the 'Goodbye' Song.   

"I like to race on bikes with my friends.  I like everything, it's fun"

Children's voice

"Staff promote children's good health through planned activities and consistent
routines. They teach children personal care routines, such as washing their
hands before eating. Children quickly learn to do this independently. Staff
provide a range of healthy options, and children vote for the items they want to
eat at snack time. This helps them to make healthy choices in relation to food.
Staff also teach children about the importance of good oral hygiene."

Ofsted Inspector, 2024